Lirene is a Polish company, run by women experts, which offers a wide range of cosmetics.
Brand Design task:
Refresh the image and develop new packaging design for Lirene foot cream.
Design and implementation:
The Lirene line of foot cream products responds to specific needs and removes specific problems and this should be very much highlighted by its visual identity. The packaging design has been based on the word STOP which may be associated with two things: the foot (from the Polish word “stopa”), i.e. the body part for which the cream is intended, as well as the word that literally suggests an end or termination. We have added to the word STOP the names of ailments removed by Lirene creams, which sends a very clear message: STOP callus, STOP roughness. etc. Visual identity was based on the contrast between the white background and the colour attributed to a given version of the cosmetic.
Dr Irena Eris | Packaging design for Lirene Stop
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