Terravita | Packaging for a new line of 70% chocolate

Terravita is one of the main producers of chocolate in Poland.

Brand Design task:
Master concept and packaging design for the new series of dark 70% chocolate by Terravita.

Design and implementation:
In response to the current trends in the confectionery market and the niche in the segment of dark chocolate, the company decided to introduce a unique product – 70% dark chocolate offered in several exceptional tastes: classic, fruit and crunchy.

What differentiates this chocolate from competitors is the high content of cocoa (70%) combined with the price that is lower than in the case of most products in that category. As this unique combination of quality and price is the main asset of the product, we have decided to make it the focus of the visual identity and packaging of the new series. The whole communication strategy for the 70% brand was aimed at reaching conscious customers who attach great weight to what they eat and how they live. We also wanted to underline the pleasure of eating high quality chocolate.

The packaging has been designed in mostly dark colours – black is associated with quality and elegance. The contrasting saturated colours – e.g. yellow or red – correspond to the different tastes of chocolate, enabling their quick identification on the shelf. An important element of the design is the clear message about the 70% content of cocoa, the main determinant of the high quality of the product. In addition, the supporting materials highlight the health benefits of cocoa (more energy, better mood, less stress...) and the flavours produced by added ingredients.

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