We all know that sweets bond people together... but Diamant was the first to say it out loud! SWEETness is the main quality of sugar and a BOND of all relations in our lives. The combination has positive associations and is charged with many good feelings. This is why the catchphrase SŁODKIE ŁĄCZY (SWEET BOND) became the focal point and name of the new communication strategy that has been warming up the image of the Diamant brand since 2019.
Its aim is to redefine the image of the company in the minds of customers (no longer just an expert in sugar production, but a promoter of sweet moments) and create a committed community centred around sugar in line with the idea of a sweet bond working on many levels: not only in the kitchen, by the oven or at the table during family get-togethers, but also at work, on shop floors or during business meetings.
As the main initiator and coordinator of the Słodkie Łączy (Sweet Bond) communication strategy, we adopted a totally new and fresh approach to the brand. We designed a coherent model of visual communication based on simple, handmade drawings of sweets and various figures as well as colourful and appetising photographs taken in our studio. The concept is implemented consistently in every area of the company’s activity – social media, company website, visuals displayed in sugar factories, public relations materials and e-mail communication.
SŁODKIE ŁĄCZY was first introduced on Diamant social media channels. In February, we launched the first Słodkie Łączy event – SPRING COMPETITIONS – a cycle of weekly creative competitions featuring Diamant sugar or sweets. The objective was to reach the largest possible number of new customers and invite them to have fun with us, a proven method of building a long-lasting bond with the brand.
Although the centrepiece of the programme was Facebook competitions, we also designed the landing page wiosna.slodkielaczy.pl where we not only informed people about the current edition of the contest, but also posted a list of simple, creative ideas for spring and Easter sweets. Among others, we showed how to turn a cheese cake into a honeycomb using bubble wrap, decorate a pound cake with caramel hair and prepare green cream with natural ingredients. Drawing on the context of spring and the coming Easter, we based competition tasks and baking inspirations on Diamant’s flagship products – caster, decorative and powdered sugar. The reach of the campaign was the product of the viral nature of competitions, ads in social media and GDNs.
The campaign has enjoyed wide popularity and keeps winning the hearts of more and more customers. Kamila Sikorska, Brand Manager for Diamant, comments: “The campaign was well thought out in every respect – on the one hand it encourages customers to purchase the product, and on the other it engages them through the values of the brand and interesting ideas for desserts. It has gained a lot of momentum now and we are glad to observe the effects of our cooperation. Soul & Mind is a creative agency and Słodkie Łączy is a perfect example of that!”
In the following sales period, we launched the ZAKRĘCONE LATO (crazy summer) campaign to support gelling products that are ideally suited for jams and preserves. We have again used the successful format of social media competitions and involved influencers in promotion activities.
Several months later, we launched the biggest campaign supporting cane sugar – #trzciNOWYŚWIAT DIAMANT. Together with Diamant we showed that cane sugar is present in the cuisines from virtually every corner of the globe and that a journey along this path is an experience that is both delicious and fascinating. The client used this opportunity to bring together tastes as well as people and dishes from all over the world. The sweetness, colour and smell of cane sugar and cane molasses can be found not only in pad-thai or curry, but also in the Scandinavian cake kladdaka, American BBQ meat glaze and French quiche with caramelised onion.
The campaign comprised an innovative nationwide cooking and photographic competition on social media carried out by means of hashtags. The participants could show their own sugar cane worlds (#trzciNOWYŚWIAT) on Facebook or Instagram and encourage others to engage in sugar cane experiments, try new tastes or go back to childhood memories and flavours. All they had to do was post a photograph on their social media profile featuring Diamant sugar cane and mark it with the hashtags #trzcinowyDIAMANT and #slodkielaczy.
At the same time, we carried out digital activities to promote both the initiative and Diamant products, including through display campaigns on the largest women and cooking websites. The reach of the action and online visibility of the brand were expanded by Google Display Network, PR presence in the media as well as influencer-marketing initiatives involving well-known travel and cooking bloggers. We also carried out a photo shoot and provided services in the area of corporate PR. Our aim was to ensure the widest possible reach of the campaign to build the brand’s image through good publicity.
We estimate that, over the five weeks of the #trzciNOWYŚWIAT DIAMANT campaign, our image-building and promotional activities were displayed more that 40 million times.
November was the time for Christmas promotions and the action Słodkie Łączy na Święta (Sweet Bond for Christmas). Together with Diamant we have showed that Christmas is perfect for celebrating sweet moments with your loved ones both when you decorate cakes and dust them with icing sugar and when you dress the Christmas tree with homemade decorations. The dedicated website – www.zima.slodkielaczy.pl – encourages people to come up with original gift ideas – homemade cakes, sugar peelings and even DIY decorations.
See our holiday spot: